Zieda’s Aesthetic Clinic

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Dental Braces

Why Choose Zieda's Clinic for Your Dental Braces in Dubai?

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Experienced Professionals

Our team of highly orthodontist in Dubai specialize in the latest orthodontic techniques, ensuring optimal results.

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Comprehensive Plans

We offer a full range of services to address various orthodontic concerns, such as: teeth crowding, gaps, misalignment.


Luxurious Experience

We prioritize your comfort every step of the way, offering flexible appointment scheduling and pain management options.

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Experienced Professionals

Our team of highly orthodontist in Dubai specialize in the latest orthodontic techniques, ensuring optimal results.

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Comprehensive Plans

We offer a full range of services to address various orthodontic concerns, such as: teeth crowding, gaps, misalignment.


Comfort and Convenience

We prioritize your comfort every step of the way, offering flexible appointment scheduling and pain management options.

What Are Dental Braces?

Dental braces, the most common orthodontic treatment, address issues like teeth crowding, gaps, misalignment and bite problems. It also enhance oral functions, appearance, and overall dental health. While achieving a beautiful smile, the process demands time, patience, and the expertise of a skilled orthodontist. 

Historically, braces were unattractive, uncomfortable metal devices causing pain, sores, and damage in the mouth. Advancements in orthodontics have resulted in braces becoming less conspicuous, more efficient, and featuring personalized treatment plans. Moreover, braces can now be affixed and worn continuously, with the option for removal by a dentist, providing flexibility for the wearer.

Different Type of Braces:

Traditional Metal Braces

Dental Braces in Dubai LS

Strong and affordable, offering reliable results for various alignment issues.

Ceramic Braces

ceramic braces

Discreet and comfortable, ideal for minor to moderate misalignments.

Virtually invisible aligners, perfect for adults seeking a subtle approach.

Why Dental Braces Could Be Right for You?

  • Enhanced Oral Health: Straightened teeth become easier to clean, reducing your risk of cavities, gum disease, and bad breath.
  • Improved Bite Function: Proper alignment allows for optimal chewing, aiding digestion and preventing jaw pain caused by uneven pressure.
  • Clearer Speech: Misaligned teeth can impact pronunciation and clarity.
    Braces can correct these issues, boosting confidence in communication.
  • Reduced TMJ Pain: Jaw misalignment can lead to headaches and discomfort. Braces can correct this, alleviating TMJ symptoms.
  • Confidence Boost: A beautiful, healthy smile can significantly improve self-esteem and well-being, impacting your social and professional life.

Dental Braces Before and After Treatment

Ortho Treatment in Dubai
orthodontic treatment in dubai

Meet our Dental Specialists in Dubai


Specialist Dentist - Orthodontist


GP Dentist

Dental Braces Price in Dubai

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Transform Your Smile with Dental Braces in Dubai at Zieda's Clinic

At Zieda’s Clinic, we understand the transformative power of a beautiful smile. That’s why we offer comprehensive dental brace solutions in Dubai, tailored to your unique needs and aesthetic goals. Whether you’re seeking a discreet option or a traditional approach, our experienced team will guide you towards the perfect fit.

Schedule your consultation with our experienced team to discuss your dental brace options. We’ll answer your questions, assess your needs, and recommend the best course of treatment to achieve your desired results.

Hollywood Smile in Dubai


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Dental Check up in Dubai